Our Jones Family Experience

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hadley is 2.5 Years Old

Dear Hadley,

Today you turned 2.5 years old, and while I know that it is not very important to most people, to me it is a very big deal.  At 2 years old, I could still think of you as my baby, but every day as I watch you grow and develop I realize that I have a full blown toddler on my hands. 

You have lost most of your "baby fat" and are now a tall skinny little girl.  You wear mostly 3T clothing, somehow skipping over most 2T clothes.  I can no longer kid myself that you will be little forever, as you seem to be growing every day.

Music class is still one of your favorite activities, and you are usually one of the leaders and willing to start dancing and give others ideas to try.  Play group is also one of your favorite activities.  While sharing isn't always your favorite thing, you are getting better at it.

You have become a social butterfly, willing to talk to people in the stores, the mom's at play group, and pretty much everyone you see.  Occassionally, you do have your shy days, but you usually announce it to the people around you that you "are feeling shy today." 

We are still working on potty training, and I'm sure you will figure it out soon.  Like most other things in your life, you need to exert control over your surroundings and make your own decisions.  You are a lot like Mommy in that way.  Once you understand exactly what you need to do, I'm sure you will pick up on it quickly. 

The biggest change of course in the last six months is that you are now a big sister.  You are an amazing big sister, always wanting to give her hugs and kisses, show her your toys, and teach her about the world around her. 

I do fear that we may be starting the terrible two's, but we will learn to work through it together.  I'm sure we will come through it loving each other even more.  I am sure there will be moments when we both want to scream and cry, but we'll always love each.

The next six months will bring even more adventures and challenges and before I know it you will be 3 years old.  I can't wait to see what the future will bring.


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