Our Jones Family Experience

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Easter Wonderland

I know it is usually winter wonderland, but since there were still patches of snow on the ground, I think it is fair to say Easter Wonderland.  We got ready for our wonderland by visiting the Easter bunny at the mall and painting eggs.  I also spent the majority of the day baking and prepping for our Easter dinner. 

Years ago when we first started making holiday meals for people, we invited over the single Marines.  They were usually far away from home, missing family, and very excited for a home cooked meal.  Over the years as our duty stations changed, most of our holiday meals were married couples and families.  There just were not that many single Marines around. 

This year though, all of the families had plans.  We decided to invite the Navy students that Gideon would be graduating with.  While I enjoy cooking for the families, the appreciation and enjoyment of the Navy “kids” reminded me again of how much I love doing this.  The oohs and aahs over the food made all of the hard work worthwhile.

We were also lucky enough this year for one of Hadley’s good friends and her family to join us for dessert and the Easter egg hunt.  Jade is such a sweet girl and my girls get along with her so well. 

The Navy kids had way to much fun hiding the eggs

The "trap" they created

Malia outsmarting the trap

We had so much fun and I can’t wait until our next holiday to celebrate with family and new friends.


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