Saturday I had a meeting in the afternoon, so I was looking for something the girls and I could do in the morning that wouldn't take too long. I found online the Safety Fun Day that one of the local malls was putting on. I happened upon it randomly. It wasn't advertised well and there wasn't much information on it, so I wasn't expecting much. I was very pleasantly surprised though.
There was a fire truck, ambulance, police car, emergency response truck, National Guard, and smoke house there. All of which the kids could get into and explore. Hadley's favorite was getting to drive the National Guard's bomb retrieval robot, while Malia declared that she "loved it all!"
I loved the fact that everyone was so friendly and patient with the kids and that they learned so much. The Safety Fun Days are done regularly around the island. I imagine we will go again if we find out about it, and I'll make sure to tell all of my friends.
Driving the lifeguards jet ski
Malia helped paramedic Gus put Hadley's arm in a sling
The National Guard's bomb retrieval robot that the girls got to drive
Driving the robot
They had to grab the cone and put it in the bucket
Using the heat sensor
Malia was picked as a volunteer to help demonstrate. They were roasting smores and the fire jumped up. Malia had fire in her hair.
Stop, drop, and roll
Getting her Assistant Firefight Hat for being a good helper. The hat ended up flying out the window while we were driving down the highway. It led to LOTS of screaming and crying, but that is a whole other story.
She insisted on wearing it this way
Staying low under the smoke to get out of the house
Before we left Malia wanted to go back to the ambulance to get her arm in a sling. Gus offered to do something different, so he and Hadley put a field dressing on Malia's arm.
She insisted on wearing the bandage the rest of the day.