Our Jones Family Experience

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dance Party

Hadley said she wanted a Tinker Bell birthday party almost two months ago. I had the idea of a dance party. I knew she would love it, and it had the added bonus of not having to clean my house. We decided to combine the two and have a Tinker Bell Dance Party. I spoke with her dance teacher and we scheduled it for the week after recital.

Hadley anxiously awaited her party. We invited all of the little girls from school, her play group friends, and a few friends from her dance class. I went simple this year and only had fruit and veggies for the finger food. I also baked her two cakes, one Ballerina Bear and one Tinker Bell.

The party started out with warm-up. The girls stretched and moved. Then they worked on their kicks and turns.

Malia spent the first half of the party eating

Next they got their fairy rings. They had to listen to the music and do what it said. It included everything from skiing, hoping on one foot, marching, and gliding. The girls were really getting into it. It was fun to watch them move and try new things.

Sam had choreographed a special fairy dance for the party. At first, they were learning the dance, but after a quick break for cake and presents the girls were surprised with fairy wings. The wings were perfect for the dance and the girls were super thrilled when they found out they got to take their wings home.

Sleeping fairies

Show time.  Malia was ready to dance too.

The cake went over well. When I asked who wanted chocolate five hands went up. Then I asked who wanted white cake and the same hands went up. We decided to go with chocolate and white for everyone.

Hadley opened her presents with a lot of help from her friends. After each present was opened, we had to move the girls back so Hadley had a little room to breathe.

After performing their dance, Sam got out the giant parachute. The girls loved bouncing it up and down and especially when they had to “pop the popcorn.”

While the party went really well, there was a running theme throughout. It started out with Hadley and Shanna bumping heads. By the time the party was over there were five different instances of heads knocking together and Hadley was involved in four of them. Sam said we set a record with the most bumped heads during a party. Luckily there were no serious injuries and all of the girls went home smiling and happy.

It was a fun and memorable party. We will have to think of something else next year to make it just as memorable (and as easy).

All of the beautiful fairies

Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Shooting Star

For the past nine months, Hadley has been working hard at the Shooting Star Dance Studio learning moves with her teacher Sam Marceau and her friends. She loves going to dance and is always excited to put on her leotard and dance away.

All of her hard work paid off Saturday with her first dance recital. She had rehearsal Wednesday and Friday. She was very excited to get on stage and dance in front of everyone.

Rehearsal Wednesday.  Her first time on stage.

Rehearsal Wednesday

Group picture Friday

Rehearsal Friday

Saturday was a very busy day. It started out with music class and then a birthday party for a school friend. Next we headed to her hair appointment. Then it was back home for a quick change, a little bit of make-up (which she was very excited about), and then off again to the Barre Opera House for pictures and warm-up.

Starting her hair


Loving all of the attention

Finished product

Rear view

Practicing her pose for pictures

Eating dinner wearing my shirt to avoid any messes

Show time


Spins (Controlled chaos)

Waving their wands at the end

Since it was a very long day, she wanted to leave after she had danced, but once I told her she could go back on stage at the end for curtain call she was more than willing to stay.

Taking her bow with helper Michaela (only one other girl from her group stayed)

Listening to Miss Sammy talk

I was so proud to watch her on stage. She loved every minute of it and is already talking about doing it again next year.